Khurshid Drabu


Extract from an obituary in The Muslim News: "Khurshid Drabu’s passing away is the loss of a charming individual who led a charmed life. He achieved distinction in his career of choice while also placing his skills and expertise at the service of the public good, without expectation of fame or fortune. His loss is felt by many in civil society and beyond, from his local Southampton Medina Mosque that he had steered for thirty years, to various interfaith bodies such as the Joseph Interfaith Foundation of which he was a trustee, the Mosques & Imam National Advisory Board (MINAB) whose Constitution he drew up and acted as legal advisor, and most importantly in the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) that looked on him as a founding father and guide.

His last communication to the MCB was to welcome a new member of staff, just three weeks prior to his demise: “Delighted that you have become a part of our family. Congratulations. You will find the work that MCB does most interesting and challenging.” 

Compiler: Jamil Sherif

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