

Noted Pakistani Urdu poet Noted poet, eminent satirist, columnist and writer of travelogues of exceptional literary merit Ibn-e-Insha had distinctive diction. Urdu has produced great humorists, both in prose and poetry. But none wrote with facility like Insha. In the grab of humour he highlighted numerous national problems and the ones faced by the person in the street. His writings of the 1960s and '70s were so universal that they apply equally to the problems being faced in Pakistan's today. As an officer of UNESCO, Insha had the opportunity to travel extensively. He produced four excellent travelogues: Chalte Ho Tou Cheen Ko Chalae, Awara Gurd kee Diary, Ibne Batuta kay Taqub Main, Nagri Nagri Phera Musafir. Of the countries he visited, he described their political setup, culture and other related information with characteristic humour. His Urdu Ki Akhri Kitab was published in 1971 and Khumar-i-Gundum was published posthumously. He wrote standard Urdu, which in its lucidity was representative of the Delhi School. The move from the realm of Insha's prose into the domain of his poetry produced some pieces in his first collection Chand Nagar, which could fall in the category of love poetry. But they become rare in his the two collections, Is Basti Kay Ek Kochay Main (1976) and Dil-i-Wahshi (1985), which followed came close to being cheerful. Many well known singers have been singing his 'Kal Chudhiyeen Kee Raat Thee' and the other 'Jale Tu Jalao Gori'. Born Sher Mohammad Khan, near Jalandhar, Punjab, Ibn-e-Insha died of cancer in London.

Compiler: M. Nauman Khan

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