24th May 2023 Tariq Ramadan cleared of one allegation

Jérôme Faas in Lematin.ch reports, “Le Tribunal correctionnel a estimé n’avoir pas assez d’éléments pour condamner l’islamologue. La plaignante affirmait qu’il avait abusé d’elle en 2008.” – i.e. the criminal court has ruled lack of evidence for prosecuting Tariq Ramadan; the plaintiff [“Brigitte”] had alleged of being sexually abused in 2008. The judges in a Swiss court ruled that her evidence was not credible.

Jérôme Faas added, “Ils ne pouvaient s’appuyer, pour trancher, que sur de nombreux messages échangés entre «Brigitte» et Tariq Ramadan avant et après les faits, sur divers témoignages indirects de personnes ayant recueilli les confidences de la plaignante, et sur les déclarations de cette dernière.” – For reaching a clear cut decision, they could only rely on numerous messages exchanged between “Brigitte” and Tariq Ramadan before and after the fact, and on various indirect testimonies and declarations of persons in whom she had confided.

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The report also noted that many of testimonies were collected ten years later, and in several statements the alleged victim did not use the term ‘rape’ or sexual coercion. The statements of the psychiatrists she consulted were also contradictory. She played the role of a “seductress” and sought to contact Tariq Ramadan after the alleged event. {Tariq Ramadan repeatedly stated that he rejected these advances}. The court proceedings noted that there were journalists ready to “de faire tomber” – to bring a downfall of Tariq Ramadan. It also noted that he had been “entirely consistent” in his statements.

According to ‘Bridgette’s lawyer, Robert Assaël, she is considering an appeal. click here.

[A report in Le Monde states that Tariq Ramadan has to pay for his defense costs in the region of Euros 150,000.]