24 September 2023 New Muslim Support body

From the website of Convert Care: ” As a convert care support and advocacy organisation The Convert Muslim Foundation (CMF) receives enquiries for support from far and wide thereby highlighting the need for new Muslim support. We would like to make this wonderful spiritual journey you have embarked upon as easy and comfortable as possible and, in doing so, remove barriers to finding dedicated support. It is important to appreciate however, that the journey is one that has its challenges which can be wide and varied but, by building a strong personal relationship with God that is sincere and meaningful will carry everyone through any difficulties that may arise [. . .]

The Convert Muslim Foundation seeks to serve you to the best of our ability and as far as our resources will allow. Using our experience in working in the field of convert care, we are delighted to bring you this state of the art website and hope that you will enjoy using and cruising it and that you will find what you need to propel you forward on your amazing journey. We pray that, with Allah as your guide, you will enjoy this wonderful spiritual journey, all the while, showered by His blessings.

This convert care website has come to fruition after considerable time spent contemplating how to pave a way forward for converts to Islam to access the support and guidance they so rightly deserve, having made the huge leap of faith required to pursue their chosen spiritual path.” click here