15 March 2024 “My organisation helps Muslims – are we now considered extremists?”

Zara Mohammed, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, writing in the Metro, “[. . . ] Today, the government announced their new definition of extremism, and as the head of Britain’s largest Muslim advocacy group, the Muslim Council of Britain, I’m worried. While we weren’t announced as one of the five groups that minister Michael Gove wants to assess under this new criteria, for weeks now, our organisation has been subject to smears and insinuation that we would be judged against this extremism criteria as well. 

If we did, it would mean that the hundreds of mosques and Islamic associations affiliated to us – and the hundreds of thousands of those attending these institutions – would all be tarred with this offensive brush. And that is a huge problem [. . .] It alienates and deems the very groups and individuals who have opposed extremism as extremists themselves.” click here.